6 Homemade Shampoo Recipes For Gorgeous Looking Hair

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homemade shampoo recipe

With so many hair products being introduced in the market, it is very difficult to find the right shampoo that will match your hair type. Although trial and error is a common way to find out which shampoo works best for you, there is a big possibility that you can damage your hair in the process. So even before you start, why don’t you go back to the basics and make your own with our homemade shampoo recipes?

1. Homemade Shampoo Recipe for Hair Growth

For those who want to add volume to their hair, here are the things you need:

  • Organic nettle shampoo 500ml
  • Panthenol solution 2 tbsp
  • Stinging nettle extract 25ml
  • Vitamin B complex 2 vials
  • Castor oil 50 ml

All you have to do is mix the ingredients together to make an effective homemade shampoo for hair growth. You can expect results after a month. It is best to continue using this for the next 3-4 months for evident effects.

2. Baking Soda Shampoo

This homemade shampoo recipe is very easy to do. All you need are:

  • Baking soda 1tbsp
  • Water 2cups

Just mix the two ingredients together, then, use it as a shampoo. Apply the mixture just like the usual shampoo. After four to five days, expect to feel that your hair is cleaner, less oily and dandruff-free.

3. Homemade Shampoo Recipe to Avoid Static Hair

This is the DIY shampoo recipe to control hair static. The following ingredients are needed:

  • Olive oil 1 tbsp
  • Coconut oil – just a small amount
  • Avocado with lemon juice

You can use these two separately if you want to avoid hair static. Olive oil can be applied once a week as you take a bath. Just apply it to your hair and rinse off with water. For coconut oil, you can massage it through your hair except on the scalp. Rinse it off with water after application. The last combination is the avocado with lemon juice. Mash avocado, then mix it with lemon juice. Apply it to your hair accordingly then, leave it for about thirty minutes before rinsing it off.

4. Homemade Shampoo Recipe for Oily Hair

For those with oily hair, this could be the alternative natural shampoo to solve your hair problem. All you need are the following ingredients:

  • Egg yolks, 2pcs
  • Lemon juice, 2 tsp
  • Citrus essential oil, 8 drops

Just mix all these together and apply to your hair. Let the mixture stay on your hair for about 5 minutes. It is better if you rinse with lukewarm water. You can apply the baking soda shampoo after this routine. Let it stay for about two minutes and rinse with water. Expect your hair to be less oily within two to three weeks.

homemade shampoo recipe

5. Homemade Shampoo Recipe for Normal Hair

You are indeed lucky if you have a normal hair. But, it’s still advisable to use natural ingredients as your daily shampoo. Here’s what you need:

  • Distilled water, one-fourth cups
  • Liquid Castile soap unscented, 1/4 cup
  • Jojoba or grape seed oil, 1/2 teaspoon

Mix all ingredients together and put them all in a bottle. Shake well before applying to your hair. Rinse off with water. Keep the rest of the mixture for you to use in the coming days. This is very similar to a regular shampoo that produces bubbles and can be easily spread out into your hair.

6. Homemade Shampoo Recipe to Rejuvenate the Scalp

Sometimes you may feel that your scalp is itchy or dry. Here are the natural ingredients that will keep your scalp rejuvenated:

  • Distilled water, ¼ cups
  • Liquid Castile soap, ¼ cups
  • Jojoba oil, 2 tsp
  • Peppermint essential oil, 1/8 tsp
  • Tea tree essential oil, 1/8 tsp

Mix all these ingredients together. Shake them up in a bottle. Use regularly as you would with a regular shampoo. You will be surprised at how the peppermint can make your scalp feel refreshed. After applying in the hair, you may rinse off the solution.

Taking care of your hair does not have to be expensive. Sometimes, the best way to treat your hair is by using ingredients you can find at the comfort of your home. Why settle for the expensive shampoos when you can easily try these homemade shampoo recipes?


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