Top 15 Part Time Jobs That Pay Well

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part time jobs that pay well

Is it possible that part time jobs can give good pay? Here’s some information gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),, job search sites and online forums for part-time work that students can do. Taking into consideration the pay, skills and the demands of the job, check out these 15 part time jobs that pay well.

15. Cashier. Most cashiers make between $9-$13 per hour which is nearly half of what you will do as a student assistant. The average hourly wage for a retail cashier is $9 and it goes up to $13 per hour if you work in a restaurant or casino.

14. Babysitter. The rate is around $12 per hour. However, you could ask for a higher rate of up to $16 per hour if you are experienced in taking care of children with a training certificate on first aid, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external defibrillator) from Red Cross.

13. Food server. This is one of the most common jobs in the US. According to the BLS, the median rate for the waiter and waitresses as of May 2010 is at $8.81 per hour, but you could earn extra from the tips you receive bringing your earnings up to $18 per hour.

12. Library Assistant. Are you a bookworm? Then try applying as a library assistant.  They make an average of $17/hour. The work involves sorting and updating card and online catalogues, answering queries and putting the books back on the shelves. Plus, you get access to resources you may need for your school work and research.

11. Translator. Translators earn around $18/hour. The work involves translating simple documents and forms in English and into the source language. Companies pay higher if you have specialized knowledge on particular niches like Engineering, Computer Science, Biology and other Sciences.

10. PC Hardware Technician. Whether or not your course in college is about computers, if you can assemble a computer, knows its parts, how it works and why it wouldn’t, you can work as a part-time PC hardware technician. They get paid well at an average of $19/hour.

9. Admin or Training Assistant.  The average salary for entry level post of someone with at least a high school diploma is $18 per hour and could go up to $23 per hour through time.  This is ideal for those who have completed at least 2 years college education and wants to start beefing up their resume with relevant work experience in preparation for job hunting.

8. Proofreader.  At $20 per hour you can do this at the comfort of your home. This is great especially if you’re a Communication Arts or Writing major or if you have experience in copy writing for your school paper.

7. Online Web Writer. According to, $23 is the average wage per hour for online web or content writers. Writing may not be for everyone as it requires the skill and passion to write. Many people are earning big through online writing.

6. English as a Second Language (ESL) Tutor. One article in cited that the national average wage rate for this particular job is $24.69. Considering that you don’t need to have any special skills aside from just being able to speak English this can be a highly rewarding job.

part time jobs that pay well

5. Web Designer . There are usually general courses in college on basic web design, HTML and CSS and if you’ve taken them you may find work as a part-time web designer. The entry-level rate starts at $25 per hour.  Plus the more work you do, the more you can add to your portfolio and ask for a higher rate in the long run.

4. Dog Walker. indicates that the average rate for dog walking is from $22-30 per hour. If you love dogs and have a pooch you should be able to do this quite well and enjoy it.

3. Virtual Assistant (VA). While the rate would vary depending on your experience, skills and certification (this is optional), it is something you can do as long as you have a computer and access to the internet. The job varies from answering calls, responding to emails, doing content writing for your client’s website, basic web design and video editing, managing blogs, a bit of social media management, skip tracing (finding people) and preparing documents and forms. There are a lot of real estate brokers looking for VA’s in the US these days. The average salary is between $25-$45 an hour.

2. SEO (Site Engine Optimization) Specialist. You may use what you learned in school by applying for a part-time work as an SEO specialist. SEO, simply put, it is like the quality control of websites so they rank up higher in search results. They get paid around $50 per hour.

1. Social Media Manager. As companies move from the brick-and-mortar business towards online enterprise the need for people who can manage their social media sites and reach out to more customers increase. They are willing to bleed $40-$75 per hour to pay social media managers.

part time jobs that pay well

Are there any part time jobs that pay well that did not make it to this list?  


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